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A nice history
to be discovered

Hotel Ciasa Tamà:
from the dawn of hotel history to the present day

First of all, we would like to tell why our hotel in La Villa is called "Ciasa Tamà" and what this name means.

In the Ladin language (a Romance language, which is spoken in Alta Badia) the word "Tamà" means "sheep's stable" and many years ago, before our house became a hotel, there was a small stable with some sheep just where now the Hotel Ciasa Tamà rises. The Ladin word "Ciasa" means home.

The Hotel Ciasa Tamà has been managed for over half a century by the Bernardi Family. The building at La Villa was built in 1953; on the ground floor there was the carpentry and on the upper floor the private apartment of the family.

It was followed by years of works and renewal that the Bernardi family has carried on with passion and conviction.
  • at Christmas of 1975 the Hotel "Ciasa Tamà" was inaugurated
  • in 1995 the characteristic tower of the house was built with its homonymous suite.
  • in 1996 in 1996 the elevator was built and the kitchen was renovated
  • in 1998 the wellness center was also built and in 2009 a children's water paradise, as well
  • in 2000 the parking garage added 16 parking spaces.
  • in 2004 the Sas dla Crusc Suites and the Panorama Suites were added
  • in 2005 a large part of the hotel was renovated
  • in 2016 the Suite Ladina, Rusticale and the double room baldacchino were renovated
  • the last change to the Hotel Ciasa Tamà was made in autumn 2018: a plan has been added with 10 new rooms, 2 apartments on the ground floor, the main lobby, the reception and the bar.
Over the years, the Hotel Ciasa Tamà in La Villa has changed a lot, in particular from an aesthetic point of view. Instead, the traditional values — according to which the Bernardi family manages its hotel in La Villa in Alta Badia — have remained unchanged. In fact, the hospitality, the family environment and the preservation of traditions have always characterized the environment of the Hotel Ciasa Tamà.

  • Main Lobby and Bar
    at the Hotel Ciasa Tamà

    The Main Lobby and the adjacent Bar of the Ciasa Tamà Hotel in La Villa are the perfect place to read the newspaper or an adventurous book, drinking a tea or an aperitif after a thrilling day...
  • Children's

    The Hotel Ciasa Tamà in La Villa has a large playroom for children of all ages and measures approximately 35m² (377 ft²). The playroom is located in the basement of the hotel and boasts a very...
  • The wellness center in
    the Hotel Ciasa Tamà in La Villa

    Guests can relax in the water paradise of the Hotel Ciasa Tamà in La Villa after a long day spent on the snow and on the ski slopes of the "Dolomiti Superski" ski area or after a walk through the...
  • The family atmosphere
    of Hotel Ciasa Tamà in La Villa

    The rooms of the Hotel Ciasa Tamà in La Villa are flooded with light and convey a pleasant feeling of being at ease. The hotel has been run by the Bernardi Family for generations and you can see and...
  • Typical Ladin and
    international cuisine

    In the kitchen of our hotel in La Villa you can feel the love for fresh, regional products and the passion for the delicious cuisine of Chef Erich, owner of Hotel Ciasa Tamà. In the evening you...